Harrisburg Radio Amateurs Club

Interested in Ham Radio in the Harrisburg Area? One of the most searched topics is what is “ham” radio and how can I learn more about it? We’ll you have come to the right place.

Click through our Getting Started in Amateur Radio page. This is the best place to start, and it will help you navigate through the process of learning about amateur radio right up through the licensing process to become a newly “ticketed” ham.

History of the club

The Harrisburg Radio Amateurs Club Inc., [HRAC] formed 1 July 1946, as an association of individuals commonly interested in amateur radio, based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It is an ARRL affiliate club.

At the end of World War II, many veterans returned to the Harrisburg area trained and used radio communications in the military. It soon became a common factor among local hobby enthusiasts. Fifty-eight charter members developed the original constitution and bylaws for the club. In 1960, HRAC became a non-profit corporation in Pennsylvania.

The club continues to promote amateur radio in the area in many ways. HRAC is involved with young people by helping with scouting’s JOTA activities and promoting amateur radio with school clubs and organizations.

Since 1949, members have provided communications for the American Red Cross in Harrisburg for Dauphin County and Pennsylvania Emergency Management. In addition, we conduct periodic training sessions for emergency responders.

Interested in joining us or want more information about the club, see the join us page.